Abdominal cramps are complaints of pain in the abdomen that feels like stiffness or tension in the abdominal muscles and other muscles around the stomach. Generally, stomach cramps occur when the lining of the abdominal wall or organs in the abdominal cavity are disrupted. The causes of abdominal cramps vary, so how to overcome them can also vary depending on the cause. In this article, we will explain the characteristics of stomach cramps based on their causes, and how to overcome them. Characteristics of Stomach Cramps Based on the Cause Apart from doing strenuous activities, such as exercising excessively or lifting heavy objects, abdominal cramps can also result from the following conditions: 1. Premenstruation One of the characteristics of abdominal cramps that occur during premenstruation (before menstruation) is the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen. The pain can be throbbing, feels like a dull pressured object, or feels sharp. In addition, premenstrual abdominal c...